I made a few resolutions to myself this year as opposed to making just one. That way if I fall short on one, or two, I have back up. And since we are halfway done with Janaury let's check on my progress:
Ugh this one. Like everyone else in the world I made a resolution to get in shape. The problem is, I hate gyms, I don't really want to work out with anyone else, and it's too cold to run outside here in Connecticut right now. Oh, and I don't like running. I've been watching the show 'Toned Up' on Bravo lately and those girls are ripped so I decided to check out their YouTube stuff the other day. FYI, they look like that for a reason, working out is way harder than I remembered. I gave up about 3 minutes in and promised myself I would do it again the next day. That was two days ago...
So quitting my job was the first step, and I accomplished that, so one point for me. Finding a new one is proving to be mildly difficult. I'm not sure if that's because I'm not trying as hard as I should -I could get used to this housewife stuff- or if there really hasn't been anything I've found that peaks my interest as of yet. Regardless I do check online and brainstorm on what I would want to do everyday. I'm hoping I can just come across something fun and lucrative and it will just work out. Fingers crossed.
I made this resolution for two reasons. One, I really want to be a good cook. I'm by no means a bad cook, but I just want to broaden my horizons a little more and have a plethora of recipes under my belt I can whip together at a moments notice. My mom is an amazing cook and I strive to be like her in this department. Two, I'm not sure if you know this or not, but going out to eat 4-5 nights a week is EXPENSIVE. I recently joined All Recipes which is an awesome website for home cooks, with recipes by other home cooks. You can search for recipes by ingredient, save favorites to your 'recipe box' and read tons of reviews with tweaks and helpful hints. I've been doing pretty well with this resolution and hope to keep it up. It's a little annoying having to run to the grocery store everyday to get ingredients that I don't have just laying around the house, but hey it's something to do.
I'm not one of those people who is super into pictures. I Instagram, maybe once a week and I never, ever take selfies. I don't even really like taking pictures when I'm out with my friends and I always feel like I look forced or awkward when posing. But one day I was on Facebook and I pushed the "2013 Year In Review" button. The only pictures that popped up were from my wedding, which was in 2012! Now, don't get me wrong, I don't want to take pictures to exclusively post to social media, but it made me realize that I don't have very many pictures of Rich and myself together or doing anything with our friends. When we're out I always brush off the opportunity to take pictures and say I would rather 'live in the moment' and I feel like I'm missing evidence of some awesome memories. This year I want to take more pictures, but I'm going to need some supplies first. Maybe one of those iPhone printers (like this one) or maybe even a nice camera (maybe this or this) to assist me in my new adventure.
What were your resolutions this year? Did you make more than one so you have some cushion, or do you just pick one and go at it 100%?
xx - C
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