We took a trip after work on Tuesday to get all of the basic fall essentials for the outside of the house. Naturally this included mums and pumpkins...oh and a chiminea that Rich just had to have. We also snagged some Indian corn, a mini haystack, a few corn stalks, and some gourds. All in all it was a pretty successful trip and really made the front of the house ready for all of those trick or treaters that we never get...
And because I was feeling particularly festive, I even did up the bar cart with new black and orange paper straws and some pumpkin accessories. I also changed it up by keeping the top of the bar focused on cold weather necessities, like whiskey, bourbon, gin, and a hot toddy mixer. Oh, and a little Veuve because A.) Champagne is always needed and B.) the colors matched -- so obvs.
xx - C
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