Rich and I have been married for 4 years this coming September and while everyday is not perfect, we have a pretty nice life. Rich started his own business a little over a year and a half ago and while at times it can be stressful (and expensive!) he's doing really well. We've been able to go on vacation and take overnight/weekend trips pretty much whenever we want (thanks for pup-sitting Mom!). Our nights are spent either at one of our favorite local haunts for dinner and drinks or sitting outside around our chiminea chatting about, well everything. Needless to say, we're super happy and content with the way life is going for us right now, just us.
But when the first of your friends start to have babies and you don't fall in line, people start asking you THAT question. You know..."WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO HAVE A BABY?"
Now, lets be real. When my friends started getting pregnant -- immediately I was like okay, it's time for this chapter for us too, lets go. However, my husband was little more apprehensive. It's not that he didn't want a baby, but more like he wanted to make sure we were going to try to have a baby right then for the right reasons -- not just because other people were getting pregnant and that question had begun to be asked of us. Then, the more the question was asked, the more he started to feel like we were being pressured into something and therefore a part of him started to reject the idea. Of course I didn't see it like that at the time and took him wanting to wait extremely personally. Needless to say there were a lot of long conversations, a few tears, and some bitterness on my part.
But as with most things -- hind site is 20/20.
After a lot of talking it through (like, a years worth!) we finally came to the conclusion that yes, we both do want to have kids, just when it feels right for us. Maybe that will be in the next year, but maybe it will be in the next five. We're just taking life day by day, not letting ourselves feel pressured, and really enjoying what we have now. As for people asking us about it, "yes, eventually" seems to be our answer de jour, and that seems to pacify pretty well . In the meantime, we're just going to keep living and enjoying our time spent together, just the two of us (and the pups, obvi).
xx - C
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