A pretty accurate 2015 self portrait...
New Year, New You -- you've heard it a million times before. My typical response to said saying is -insert eye roll here- and be on my way. But with a fresh set of 365 days having just started and today being my 31st (ugh!) birthday, I've taken the time to reflect on 2015 and realized that maybe 2016 is the year that I should take that corny overhyped saying and apply it to myself.
I'd mentioned a few times on the blog how 2015 was a bit of a trying year for me. Lots of changes and things happening outside of my control that made me feel as if my life was just happening around me at times and I wasn't really "there". My creative brain stalled (as evidenced by the lack of blog posts) and I put my interior design classes that I was so excited about on hold because I really just couldn't get out of my funk. I started to question whether I liked myself as a person sometimes, which can be an extremely slippery slope to go down, let alone navigate back up.
The most frustrating part is that I mostly know the steps I need to start taking to fix the things that are bothering me. I just always say that I will start tomorrow...and don't. It's a pretty wicked internal struggle that I battle almost everyday, not to mention one of the most un-Capricorn like traits I possess.
Therefore, I've resolved to make 2016 the year of me and focus on improving a few facets of my being so that I can be the best friend, sister, daughter, wife, and person that I can be. I know some of the steps that I will be taking to get the ball rolling on this but I don't know them all, and I think that's okay right now. I know I'll get there because I want to, and I think that's the key to this whole process.
Happy 2 0 1 6. May it be your best year yet.
xx - C
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